Forest Learning Collective

What Goes in the Backpack
Children carry their own backpacks at Forest Learning Collective. It is important that they have a pack that is the right size, and is very comfortable. It can take some effort to find a good backpack.
Your child’s food and water bottle go in the backpack. Take care to find the right sized water bottle. An adult sized water bottle might be too heavy. In the early Fall and late Spring, the backpack might contain a wool sweater or fleece.
What Extra Clothes to Leave
Even on dry days, we might end up wet or muddy during play. It is important to have a change of clothes available. On the first day of program, please send a full set of clothes (including underclothes, and especially socks) packed in a bag, labeled with your child’s name (Please, no thin grocery bags.) Throughout the year, you will need to replenish the extra clothes as they get sent home muddy. Please always send your child to Forest Learning Collective in clothing and footwear that can get dirty. As the seasons change, you will need to send different items for the extra clothes bag.